READ THIS NEXT: The 7 Best Dogs for Beginners, Vets Say. Some of the best dog and owner matches happen when personalities are similar. According to experts, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels can be the answer for anyone prone to being a bit of a couch potato.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb “Cavaliers love cuddling with their owners, aren’t too athletic, and easily go for short walks. All great things for a (slightly) lazy owner!” says Patrik Holmboe, head veterinarian for Cooper Pet Care. “Additionally, cavies are super affectionate and not too difficult to train. Finally, their small size makes everything a bit easier compared to a large dog.” Even though smaller breeds can be pretty energetic, some peppy pups still make an excellent match for owners who like to spend their days relaxing over going to the dog park. Vets say Papillons are small enough to handle most living arrangements without impeding too much on your lifestyle. “These little guys are extremely energetic, but they only need about 15 minutes of activity per day in order to stay happy and healthy,” board-certified veterinarian Melissa M. Brock tells Best Life. “This means that even though they love playing fetch or going on walks with their humans, they’re also more than happy to hang out at home with you all day long!” READ THIS NEXT: The Dog You Should Have Based on Your Zodiac Sign. Despite their rough-and-tumble appearance, bulldogs’ natural build makes them great couch companions with relatively minimal effort. Coincidentally, this can also make them a good pick for first-time dog owners. “English Bulldogs have short legs, bulky bodies, and a short snout that makes it more difficult to breathe—all of which means they’ll likely be ready for a nap after less than 15 minutes of exercise,” Georgina Ushi Phillips, DVM, practicing veterinarian and Florida-based writer with, tells Best Life. “While this breed will require an owner to stay vigilant with potential health problems, this breed is more than happy to spend most of the day hanging out on the couch.” Just because a breed belongs to the working group doesn’t mean they don’t know how to relax. Besides being relatively intelligent and a breeze to train, experts say one Swiss canine can still be pretty aloof when the circumstances call for it. “For a larger breed, you probably can’t beat the Bernese Mountain Dog,” suggests Holmboe. “They are very calm—some might call them lazy—and love nothing more than a snooze indoors.” However, he does mention one caveat: “Their large size and long coats do mean a bit more maintenance than a smaller breed in terms of grooming. But if you’re a sucker for large dogs, you can’t go wrong here.” For more pet advice delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. Known for their outrageously floppy ears and incredibly insightful senses of smell, Basset Hounds can be an easier option for owners looking for a lower-maintenance pet. Vets say they can also make a great addition to any family with younger kids. “As a short-legged pup, Basset Hounds will happily join you for a brisk walk or a play session, but they don’t need much else when it comes to exercise requirements,” says Phillips. “Basset Hounds are also quite affectionate, which makes them a great lazy day companion.” Dachshunds are a breed that’s every bit as fun and friendly as they look. And if your favorite pastime enjoys plenty of time on the couch, vets say they’d likely make a great companion for you. “Dachshunds are a popular small breed that is surprisingly low maintenance,” says Dwight Alleyne, DVM, a practicing veterinarian and advisor at Betterpet. “Since they have short legs, they only need a few short walks and can be quite independent.” Even though they have a tendency to bark, Alleyne adds that this breed is also great with kids and can be a great beginner breed for anyone who has never owned a dog before. READ THIS NEXT: The 5 Best Pets If You Travel a Lot, Experts Say. With their fluffy white coats and friendly demeanor, Bichon Frise is a go-to dog for anyone who appreciates a lively companion. But surprisingly, the breed can also be relatively easy to take care of for a few reasons besides their personality—especially when it comes time to clean up your home. “The Bichon Frise is an excellent dog for a first-time owner or someone who appreciates their downtime,” Iram Sharma, DVM, experienced veterinarian and writer at PupVine, tells Best Life. “While lively, it doesn’t require too many walks, and would prefer to spend the entire day cuddling. Also, it is non-shedding and hypoallergenic!” If you’re looking for a loveable lapdog who will laze around with you, look no further than the Maltese. Vets say this breed is easy to train, relatively quiet around the house, and won’t break the budget when it comes time to get groomed. “This breed is super popular for a reason: They are often calm, easy to train, and incredibly affectionate,” says Holmboe. “The small size makes things easier, and they won’t need too much exercise.”