In an interview with American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a public policy think tank where he’s currently a resident fellow, Gottlieb explained that, at this point, there is simply “too much infection” throughout the United States. He said that many states are seeing the ramifications of poorly executed reopenings and lax safety measures firsthand. So, where have coronavirus cases risen to critical levels? Read on to discover which four states Gottlieb says are in trouble now. And for more insight into states in trouble, check out These 7 States Need to Lock Down Right Now, Harvard Researchers Say. As of August 13, Missouri has seen 63,432 coronavirus cases and 1,408 deaths since the pandemic began, according to The New York Times’ interactive coronavirus map. However, while the seven-day average for cases remained steady from April to June, the state saw major spikes in July and August. According to Covid Act Now, Missouri’s positive test rate of 10.6 percent “indicates insufficient testing,” which could soon lead to a spike. And if you’re wondering which areas are due for a surge in cases, check out these 6 States Where COVID Numbers Will Spike Soon, Researchers Say. Ohio saw a major dip in new coronavirus cases from April to June, with a seven-day average of 921 on April 21 versus 523 two months later, according to The Times. Unfortunately, new daily cases have overwhelmingly surpassed the 1,000 mark throughout both July and August. In total, the state has seen 104,248 coronavirus cases and 3,734 deaths from the virus. While Ngozi Ezike, MD, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, praised her state in June, saying, “Illinois is being touted across the country for getting it right,” the state is now on the Gottlieb’s watchlist. He said that, generally speaking, “the Midwest looks like it’s in trouble.” Illinois has seen 200,655 coronavirus cases in total and 7,907 deaths, with the daily average climbing to 1,739 cases per day this week—up 24 percent since two weeks prior. And for more on COVID’s movement into the Midwest, check out Dr. Fauci Is Most Worried About These 4 States. Tennessee has been under scrutiny for its rise in coronavirus cases over the past few months, with the Harvard Global Health Institute deeming it necessary for the state to mandate stay-at-home orders once again to reduce COVID transmission. Tennessee has seen a total of 123,835 coronavirus cases and 1,277 deaths since the pandemic began, per The New York Times map, and has seen a 24 percent increase in new cases in the past two weeks alone. And for more insight into where COVID cases are climbing, This State Is Now Experiencing the Worst COVID Spike in the U.S.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb